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Chapada Diamantina is a region of mountains, protected by the Chapada Diamantina National Park, located in the Brazilian state of Bahia, where almost all rivers of the Paraguaçu, Jacuípe and Rio de Contas basins are born.These water springs from the summits slide across the mountains in beautiful streams, plummet into bubbling waterfalls and forming transparent natural pools.The national park is managed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio).1 The vegetation is exuberant, composed of species from the semi-arid
caatinga and mountain flora, with emphasis on bromeliads, orchids and evergreens.
The Chapada Diamantina rocks are part of the geological unit known as the Super group Espinhaço, which took its name from occurring in the Serra do Espinhaço, in the state of Minas Gerais. It presents itself in general as an extensive altiplano, with an average altitude between 800 and 1,200m above sea level.The mountains that make up Chapada Diamantina cover an area of approximately 38,000 km² and are the watershed between the São Francisco River basin (S. Onofre, Paramirim rivers) and the rivers that flow directly into the Atlantic Ocean, such as Rio de Contas and the Paraguaçu River.  The highest mountains in the Brazilian Northeast are in Chapada Diamantina: Pico do Barbado with 2,033 meters, Pico do Itobira with 1,970 meters and Pico das Almas with 1,958 meters.
Some natural attractions cause astonishment and ecstasy, such as the Cachoeira da Fumaça and its 380 meters of free fall or the stunning Poço Encantado.But there are so many attractions that you can choose between visiting caves, bathing in waterfalls, trekking on old diamond diggers trails, riding horses or playing sports and adventures.Chapada houses, in its valleys and summits, esoteric and alternative communities as in the Capão valley.
Walking breathing the fresh air and admiring the landscape is the main option for tourists from all parts that visits Chapada. The green places always keep a surprise with crystalline waters or colored sands, beautiful hills, flowers and vegetables that enchant by the beauty and lush. In Igatu, curiosity is heightened amid the ruins of the ghost town, built with stones that form the walls of small caves.


We set up your tour at Chapada Diamantina, personalizing and selecting the must-see attractions of the region, according to your availability, preference and level of physical effort.

We prepare everything so you dont have to worry about anything, just relax and enjoy the Brazilian oasis.
Chapada Diamantina is the trekking paradise! There are many options for trails, with different levels of physical effort and style.

Lets do the most beautiful trails in Chapada. Waterfalls, canyons and unforgettable landscapes !!
All the intensity of Chapada Diamantina in a single tour. Lets do the most beautiful hike in Brazil. Lots of nature and delicious local cuisine.

A walk that goes beyond our expectations, a new way of seeing life, with a magical, indescribable energy.
As rochas da Chapada Diamantina fazem parte da unidade geológica conhecida como Super grupo Espinhaço, que tomou este nome por ocorrer na serra do Espinhaço, no estado de Minas Gerais. Apresenta-se em geral como um altiplano extenso, com altitude média entre 800 e 1.200m acima do nível do mar. As serras que compõem a Chapada Diamantina abrangem uma área aproximada de 38.000 km² e são as divisoras de águas entre a bacia do rio São Francisco (rios S. Onofre, Paramirim) e os rios que deságuam diretamente no oceano Atlântico, como o Rio de Contas e o Rio Paraguaçu. As montanhas mais altas do Nordeste brasileiro estão na Chapada Diamantina: o Pico do Barbado com 2.033 metros, o Pico do Itobira com 1.970 metros e o Pico das Almas com 1.958 metros.
Alguns atrativos naturais causam espanto e êxtase, como a Cachoeira da Fumaça e seus 380 metros de queda livre ou o deslumbrante Poço Encantado. Mas são tantas as atrações que se pode optar entre visitar grutas, tomar banho de cachoeira, fazer trekking em antigas trilhas de garimpeiros, montar a cavalo ou praticar esportes e aventuras. A Chapada abriga, em seus vales e cumes, comunidades esotéricas e alternativas como no Vale do Capão.
Caminhar respirando o ar puro e admirando a paisagem é a principal opção dos turistas de todas as partes que visitam a Chapada. Os lugares verdejantes guardam sempre uma surpresa com águas cristalinas ou areias coloridas, belos morros, flores e hortaliças que encantam pela beleza e viço. Em Igatu, a curiosidade se aguça em meio às ruínas da cidade fantasma, construída com pedras que formam as paredes de pequenas grutas.


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Chapada Diamantina, pacotes na chapada diamantina

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Chapada Soul - Agência de Turismo

Caminho do Ribeirão, 2 Centro

Lençóis/BA - CEP 46960-000

Fone: + 55 75 999406004


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